• Always treat a lady with respect, no matter what.
• Never underestimate the power of understanding of a child – no matter how small. They understand far more than we suspect. So be very very careful in your language, behavior and attitude in their presence.
• Every one is selfish. And it is not necessarily a bad thing.
• True love does not exist. So don’t try too hard looking for it.
• Every person’s interpretation of God is different. And all the views are correct. DO NOT try and impose your views on religion on anyone.
• The saddest thing in life is not having anything to look forwards to.
• No one can ever completely understand you. Similarly do not expect to completely understand anyone. Just when you thought you had someone figured out s/he will surprise you. But then that is what adds spice to life and relationships.
• Never use Insurance as an investment tool. If you need insurance, take a term policy and invest the rest in real investment instruments.
• Take proper care of your body. It is the only one you have – so do the best to keep it going for as long as you can.
• Accept your looks and body type. You cannot fight genes. It is the card that has already been dealt out. Do not attempt to change the cards – you cannot. Rather try to do the best you can with the cards nature has dealt out to you. If you are programmed to go bald you will. No one or nothing can prevent that. Take it sportingly and it will make you look good.
• You cannot keep everyone happy. But that should not prevent you from trying. Just don’t let the outcome bog you down.
• Nothing beats curling up with a good book or listening to your favorite music.
• There are only two ways to lose weight. Either keep your calorie intake down to less that the calories burnt or burn more calories than you consume. However both the methods SUCK. Positively.
• Use a deodorant and floss your teeth.
• Make a list of things that you think are not absolutely essential for you. Make it honestly. No one prevents you from buying new clothes. But if you think ten shirts are enough then for every new shirt you buy discard / donate / burn (anything!!) an old one. See how much clutter you can clear from your life. As a general rule of thumb, anything that you did not use for more than a year will never be used again.
• Don’t get too attached to things. Learn to let go.
• Try not to lie. Easier said that done but trust me… in the long run its always better to say the truth.
• Use a deodorant and floss your teeth. - I had to read this twice ! I thought you meant floss your teeth using a deodorant ... hehe