Why is it so difficult to do the right thing? Knowing what is right is relatively
easy but doing what is right is another ball game altogether. Why is the wrong
thing infinitely more tempting, the forbidden more alluring? Why do we risk
everything at the drop of a hat knowing the consequences could be disastrous? Which
is tougher, saying the truth or listening to it? People say saying the truth
aint easy but I feel listening to the truth, accepting it and acting the truth
is more testing. We see this on a day to day basis. Take for instance the most
fundamental institution of marriage which holds together the social fabric of
humanity and which is the very basis of society. The first and most important
(the only – if you will) facet of a marriage is trust. It is the mutual trust
that holds together this sacred bond. Then why do we see unfaithfulness rampart.
Falling in love outside wedlock is understandable as it is a feeling and like
most feelings, is beyond one’s control. But acting on that feeling is surely in
one’s control. Then why does a spouse jump in to bed with a lover at the
slightest pretext? Is it the sex? the thrill of a guilty pleasure? that adrenaline
rush? The feeling of pseudo-supremacy on duping ones partner? What is it that
drives people to do something this crazy? But guys keep doing it all the time.
Or take the example of corruption. The corrupt are goaded onto doing more
corruption just by the fact that most people take the easy route of paying a
bribe to get their things done. Imagine a world where everyone decides to stop
paying bribes. Then the breed of bribe takers would die a natural death. But do
we do the right thing? Nah!! We pay the damn bribe and get our thing done a day
early. We keep mum. We do not protest. All we do is blame others and grumble.
But has grumbling ever resolved any issue? We assuage our guilt by buying our kids
that latest play-station, the most expensive chocolates but we do not take the
effort to spend some time with them. And we always come up with good reasons
for that. Reasons like a bigger house, a bigger car, the latest phone anything.
Loving our kids, respecting our elders, obeying the law, standing up for what
is right, putting that extra effort in to our marriage, do we do any of these.
No. What we do is take the easy way out. We chose to flirt, fuck, close our
eyes and bribe our way through. We always have a choice. Always. And nine times
out of ten we chose to do the wrong thing. Ever thought of that?